Saturday 19 July 2014

Non-For Profit Home Care in USA-Michele Kimball Co-Founder Writes Nurses Round

                                              Non-For Profit Home Care in USA

 Michele Kimball, the co-founder of Non For Profit Home Care US speaking to Nurses Round through email says that the major reason for opening a free Home care is to allow individuals to stay in their Home as long as they could through reducing the costs of access to health as well as reducing the barrier between the medical care and the community health care services.

"We believe strongly that health care is a right, not a privilege.  Implementing the Dutch model in the US is an effort to break down the silos between medical care and community services, and by doing so, improve quality and reduce costs, allowing individuals to stay in their homes and communities longer, and hopefully avoid more costly institutional care.  Any earnings above and beyond employee and operating costs will go back into the community to support innovations that help individuals “age in place” and that create and/or sustain “livable communities.”
Michele H. Kimball
Co-Founder and CEO

Introducing non-profit #Buurtzorg Neighborhood Nursing in USA @ #Stillwater Community "Log Jam" event!! @mmm_michels
— Michele Kimball (@michelekimball) July 18, 2014

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