Friday 23 October 2015

UK Changes Restrictions on Oversea nurse recruitment

The UK Government announces temporary changes to restrictions on nurse recruitment from outside European Economic Area to ensure safe staffing levels across the NHS.

Nurses will be added to the government’s shortage occupation list on an interim basis. This means that nurses from outside the EEA that apply to work in the UK will have their applications for nursing posts prioritized. The independent Migration Advisory Committee will review the change and present further evidence to the government by February 2016.
The move is designed to ease pressure on the NHS at a time when the government is introducing tough new controls on costly agency spending. It will help the NHS improve continuity of care for patients, invest in the front line and maintain safe staffing levels
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:
Safe staffing across all our hospitals and care homes is a crucial priority. The temporary changes announced today will ensure the NHS has the nurses it needs to deliver the highest standards of care without having to rely on rip-off staffing agencies that cost the taxpayer billions of pounds a year.
We are also recruiting more home-grown nurses than ever to deliver a truly seven day NHS. There are already more than 8,000 additional nurses on our wards since 2010 and we are investing in our future workforce with a record 50,000 nurses currently in training.

A letter from the Home office can be seen from here 
The link and process of application is yet to be out, keep checking this blog for updated information in respect to the application process. More information can also be found here 

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