Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ebola/Health Status Non-Disclosure and its Implications

Ebola Virus infection and its quick spread has been in the news for the past months with thousands of deaths being reported as well as some thousands death tolls with the current estimate of one million (1,000,000) persons to be infected by January 2015 if not checked.
Nurses Round looks at the role of non-disclosure of Ebola Status and Health status of individuals in general. The current Ebola cases in the United States shows what a disaster this could be to the global populace where an individual is aware of his /her Ebola status and wishes not to disclose it to the appropriate health authorities.
However, this is not only about Ebola victims , as most Health care professionals who we came in contact with and seek their personal opinions said they will not disclose their health status especially where the signs are related to that of Ebola virus infection. One of them told us how he had a very high fever during the time of Ebola in Nigeria and treated herself because of the fear she may be incorrectly isolated  or diagnosed and stigmatized. siting she did not trust what reactions she will get even from her professional colleagues Raising the question : What if it was Ebola?.... The first Ebola case in Nigeria was as a result of non-disclosure of the Ebola infection to the appropriate health authorities which took many strains of chain reaction till date in Nigeria.
Could awareness to curb non-disclosure of Ebola Status and or Health Status be key to fighting Ebola? I think it could be. African Health Care practitioners are well known for not detailing or informing the patients about the possible outcome of their ailment, which is vied as a very vital aspect of care in the developed world (Patients Bill of rights). 
However, Ebola Virus is disproving the theory of informing the individuals their expectations with a particular ailment as most who are aware of the possible outcome, decides not to disclose it or take the necessary precautions. This seems to be putting the health information need of the patients in jeopardy as in this particular case seems to be detrimental both to the patients and the society at large.
Non-disclosure of Health status could be a point to fight in order to reduce the boarder transfer of the Ebola case and saving relatives , health care professionals and other persons who may come in contact with Ebola careers.
How Could this awareness be done? Through sanctions to the careers who deliberately did not disclose their status? How will the mindset of the Ebola infected persons be changed?
Currently, Ebola cases has been reported in the America, in Europe in West Africa and suspected cases in Asia. All theses cases are i one way or the other related to patients non-disclosure of Ebola status before leaving their countries, visiting friends and or Health care practitioners attending to clients.
This asks the question if the current strategies to prevent Ebola virus from Spreading really working? Do we need incentives to bring the Ebola victims to the table?....
Both Patients and the Health care practitioners  seems to be afraid where the patients fear the possible outcome of the infection, the Health practitioners fear the possibility of contacting it and hence reluctant towards volunteering to work in the affected regions.
Ebola has put some part of the globe in a State of "Secret Self Care" and it may be until the chain of non-disclosure of health status is broken, will we see abetter controlled Outbreaks with Ebola which is currently traveling with the "Speed of the Light"
 Article By Nurses Round

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