Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Intra and Extra Professional Migrations In Nursing Profession

Changing of professional practice in every professional community is observed at all time and mostly happens as a result of: Change of locations,  Non-satisfaction of current profession or inability for one to cope with the rigors of his or her initial choosing field of practices as well as  Remuneration purposes.....

Nurses Round examines the intra and extra professional movement in nursing profession, the main causes, the advantages and disadvantages.

Nursing with its nature promote and represents one of the most adorable profession globally, hence constituting of a large number of professionals of which some commence as easily career choice, some migrated from other professions into nursing while some nurses migrated to other profession . This has lead to an inter-breed profession though other health care professional field are not exempted. E.g physicians from Africa and some other low and middle income countries do migrate to the western world and end up abandoning medical practice for nursing profession. This migration could be linked to search of greener pastures (for people in low and middle income countries) and hence improving the nursing workforce of the receiving nation or region, however most of the intra migrated professionals in nursing ends up settling for the lowest certification or degree hence they are allowed to practice nursing and are conformable with the income level 

Extra-profession migration e.g. A Nurse moving to another profession either health or non-health profession is mostly observed in the regions of Africa and other part of the world though, observation shows that be it in the developed nation or LMIC the extra profession migration is always related to either job satisfaction or personal reasons.

Some nurses  ends up being lawyers, physicians, business men, entertainers, fashion designers, etc.....
However, observation has it that in the western region where nursing is more flexible, migration into the nursing profession is mostly observed, hence detrimental to the urge for certification upgrade. However, in other regions extra-professional migrations are mostly observed and most movements out of nursing to other fields are always done by “good brain” therefore leaving nursing profession in these region short of intellectually gifted assets.

Therefore a question and research which maybe need to look into however is the future influence of intra and extra-professional migration in nursing. There is need to project the influence these forms of professional migration may have in the nursing community within the next century . Though this is an uncontrollable part of every profession and hence is very open and may not be regulated, but there is a need to have a statistical record and balance check between the different migrant status as in nursing professions i.e How they cope while in nursing profession and How nurses cope while in other later chosen field.

Professional standards may have been afflicted in one way or the other as a result of these intra and extra professional migration.

We therefore which to have an organized discussion in relation to those forms of profession migration as pertaining to nursing profession.
Article by Nurses Round.

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