Friday, 11 July 2014

Role of Gender Disproportion in Nursing

Dear Nurses Round Readers,
Today we look at the role gender disproportion play in our profession worldwide.
Nursing as many may see, is the adequate care of a sick patient irrespective of gender, religion, age, sexuality and status. Owing to the delicate nature of the job we do, it is seemed that the major people to have assumed the role of a nurse are the ones who are “called” as we often say that nursing is a calling. However, rate of noticeable imbalanced figures in terms of gender in the profession seems to be a worldwide concern.
Nurses Round took to many International Nursing organization memberships, Leadership positions in many nursing agencies, the equivalent female to male nurses in Hospitals both private and general and several appointments in some governments nursing positions into account before submitting this article.
The resultant interviews with employers, points that most of them prefer the female nurse to the male nurse arguing that they easily can control the former more that the later.
The admission rate to schools of nursing in Africa especially is to the alarming rate of 90:10 ratio in favour of the female gender and the schools holds the commanding flag in the number of nurses be it female or male who are introduced into the professional circle at any given period.
Nurses Round would want to examine the influence of both the female nurses and the male nurses in the profession so far, with so questions for discussion.
Is the gender imbalance in the profession as a result of the male counterpart ignorance of the profession?
One may argues that in some countries in Africa, people see a male nurse as a weak male and discriminate or abuse them verbally. Though the males seems to be who will drive the profession to its desired destination, as we often observed that the female counterparts are not taken so serious or into consideration while so decisions are made into many of the health care system around the world. This derails the rate at which the profession is evolving from the early nineties till date. 
However, we will like to hear your views on the solution to this imbalance in the nursing practitioners figure as well as discuss the positive and negative role of the gender roles. Recommendations are also wanted as we seek to know if the female genders are satisfied with the rate of male nurses introduction so far.
Your comments please.
Article by: Nurses Round.

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