Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Jose de Blok-It feels Good being a Nurse, Meaning a lot To Patients-CEO Buurtzorg Netherland

 Jose de Blok-Nurses Entrepreneur Speaks to Nurses Round on His New Nursing Innovation Non-For Profit Home Care

Nurse Entrepreneur Jos de Blok was the founder of Buurtzorg Nederlands a Non-For Profit Home care Venture and the leading Home care in the Nederlands. in an interview with Nurses Round revealed how passionate he is being a nurse and meaning a lot to patients. " It feels good being a nurse, meaning a lot for patients" he said while answering how he feels to being a male nurse. He also said his motivation came from the fact that nurses are had bad working conditions and amongst other issues.
He has won many awards as a result of his innovation on Home Care and also recognized in may areas of care. Most recent is the establishment of his Branch in the USA to show it is workable in all environment as well as sustainable.  He also assured Nurses Round that he is willing and ready to Mentor the up coming nurses and advised that they should be more focused within themselves rather than being much concerned with what is happening in other fields. What a Holistic Nurse and a symbol of good days ahead for the industry. Below is the full interview.

 "I wanted to show that an organization which focuses on the relationship between nurses and patient can be much more effective that a normal organization"- Jos de Blok
What is your Name? Jos de Blok
What is your Profession? Nurse and CEO
How do you feel being a male nurse in Netherlands? Feels good being a nurse, meaning a lot for patients. I never had problems with being a male nurse, liked my female colleagues
What is the name of your Enterprise? Buurtzorg Nederland
Briefly tell us about your venture. (NON FOR PROFIT HOME CARE) I started Buurtzorg Nederland with a few nurses at the end of 2006. "I wanted to show that an organization which focuses on the relationship between nurses and patients can be much more effective than ‘a normal organization’". A nurse led organization don’t need management. Now we have 800 teams and 8300 nurses working in small teams all over the country, having the best results on client satisfaction and being the best employer of the country for 4 years now. We’re taking care for 60.000 to 70.000 patients a year. 
See the full interview after the break

 "I wanted to show that an organization which focuses on the relationship between nurses and patient can be much more effective that a normal organization"- Jos de Blok
How do you feel being the founder of Non-For Profit Home Care? It fits the values of nurses; we want to give the best nursing care. Being the founder: so many nurses believe in our values and philosophy, that feels as an honour
What motivated you to look toward this direction of Non-For Profit Home Care? What motivated me was the bad fragmented care we had and the bad working conditions for nurses
What are the Challenges you faced putting this Adventure together?Show to people that are thinking from other perspectives that this is a better way of dealing with patients was a challenge.
Would you say it is giving a new dimension in nursing profession? Or health industry at large? It’s bringing back nursing as it should be; taking care for patients in a professional way.
What effect is Non for profit Home care having in the health care industry? The focus is on professional ethics and the needs for patients
Home care is part of nursing that is currently in its toddler stage in African Countries why do you think it is so? In my opinion personal care (home care) and nursing care belong together from a holistic perspective.
Have you gotten any recognition as a result of your services? From individuals? From Government? Etc? (Awards). Yes; we got a lot of recognition: fastest growing company for 5 years, best employer for 4 years, best CEO of Holland in 2013 etc. And: the best care since we’ve started. It’s been a national discussion last years and the community health nurse is on top of the agenda
We learn about an opening of your brand in USA, Is it owned by you or by another person? How did it come about? No, it is also owned by me to show the same could happen in the US
Where do you see Non for profit Home care in the next ten years? We, as nurses, will show that professional care and a professional organization leads to the best outcome on quality and costs and attract the best nurses
What advise do you have for young nurses out there and would you be mentor to them if they approach you? I advise young nurses to focus on patients instead of management and learn from their older collegues. I will try to inspire them!!
Thank you for you time! You’re welcome!


  1. This sounds great - promoting nursing values where it is needed. And what a lot of people you are caring for! Congratulations.
    Was there an existing community care program in the Netherlands before you started, or is your company providing something new?
    Are you giving nursing care, social care, or both? Are the nurses in your team all registered nurses? Do patients pay privately, or is care provided by the state? Are you providing 'hospital at home' services to prevent hospital admission?
    Good luck in the USA!

  2. Dear Nicola,In the seventies and eighties we had a similar system with small local teams of nurses; in the nineties it changed to homecare which got more and more fragmented. So we use old PHC principles in a New Organizational model. We are being payed by the State and Health insurance. We also deliver hospital at home like activities, more and more. Thank you for being interested

  3. Interesting concept especially incorporating the PHC principles into your model. Congratulations to you and your team in your achievements. Indeed the concept is not well established in Africa but we hope that in the coming years it will.
